Our school office is open from 8.30am - 3pm daily
For more information and updates, keep yourselves well informed via our school facebook page.
We are a full primary, multicultural school catering for students from New Entrants to Year 8 located at the northern end of Palmerston North in the Roslyn suburb bordering Kelvin Grove. This year our roll begins with approximately 360 students and we will likely end the year with just over 400 students.
We are very fortunate to have numerous classrooms, together with a large school hall, junior and senior kitchens, a Music Suite, and an Art Studio. We have extensive gardens around our kura, with a fabulous school vegetable garden and mini orchard. In 2021 we received our 'Silver Award' as an Enviro School which was fantastic. We are always on the lookout for people who may be able to volunteer some time helping to maintain our gardens and supporting our 'Eco Warriors' in maintaining these areas too. We have a terrific Learning Coach who dedicates a few afternoons to these areas, and who we know would welcome the support and help. If you are interested, please contact the school office.
We offer a variety of opportunities both in and out of the classroom to develop the whole child for future successes.
We believe that all students should have the same opportunities and not be disadvantaged by costs.
Roslyn School currently supplies:
The Board of Trustees would like to continue to support our families with:
No school donation requests
No cost for stationary (School Stationery will be supplied to our students)
Providing Chrome books for our students' learning in Years 5-8
(though we continue to encourage students to BYOD (Bring your own device)Providing Chrome books for our students' learning in Years 3-4 (He Kākano) (ratio of 1 chrome book between two students)
Paying fees for school based sports teams and providing uniforms for these (please note that sports through clubs is not included in this.)
Sadly, we can not afford to cover all costs. This means there may be times when we ask for support from our families for an event, which our kids are often keen to join.
It's important to note that club sports are catered for through a club, with students from lots of different schools in the same team, and the club does all the organisation. This means that your child is playing for and representing the club, not our school. For example, If your child wishes to play Cricket, Rugby or Rugby League, then this is provided by clubs and parents will need to attend and register tamariki with the club to play - and the club will set its own fees for this. These are not fees set by the school and so we cannot cover these fees for students.
We are always looking at ways and means to provide the best opportunities and experiences for our students. By undertaking this 'Almost ZERO fees' approach, we hope our students will continue to not be disadvantaged in any way in their learning, opportunities and experiences.
Of course we would appreciate any support, either financially or by volunteering your skills and time, to support our wonderful students on their learning journey. We do as much fundraising throughout the year as possible, without it becoming a burden on our families. We look forward to your support.
We look forward to having you as part of the Roslyn School hapori (community) and look forward to the exciting developments to come.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.
Kia Ora ~ Hallo ~ Fakalofa atu ~ Talofa ~ Malo e lelei ~ Mingalaba ~ Bula ~ Nǐ hǎo ~ Namaste ~ Konnichiwa ~ Hola ~ Anyoung haseyo ~ Hello