S.T.E.A.M. education is an acronym for programmes of learning that integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics, as shown in the diagram below. It has become a popular approach in education as it promotes greater engagement in specific learning in science and technology (including engineering, as engineering sits within technology in our New Zealand Curriculum). This helps to address a decline in teaching of science and technology in previous decades, as well as provide engaging, future-focused contexts for learning and skills for our ākonga.
Here at Roslyn School, we ensure that two out of four of our major Rarangahia Ngā Whenu units of learning each year (our termly integrated learning units) are focused on STEAM, with one focusing more heavily on science and the other more heavily on technology.
Through these authentic contexts for learning that are based on our ngā uaratanga (school values), our tamariki are able to engage in developing S.T.E.A.M. based knowledge and skills to help support them to design real life solutions.