Many of our tamariki at Roslyn School, both Māori and non-Māori enjoy Kapa Haka.
In our junior school, we have a weekly waiata session, which provides our younger ākonga the opportunity to learn the school waiata, haka pōhiri, and other waiata for our pepi.
In our senior school, tamariki that wish to, are able to join our Ngā Tupuranga Kapa Haka group for Years 5-8. This group has opportunities to perform at our regular school Pōhiri and Mihi Whakatau, as well as at regional events such as Te Pae Tamariki.
Whaea Sandy (Pouawhina) and Whaea Maryanne (Tumuaki Tuarua) tutor our groups on a Friday.
Junior Waiata is at 9.40am and Ngā Tupuranga meet between 10.30 and 12.00pm.
If your whānau have skills in Kapa Haka and are interested in volunteering time to tutor either Junior Waiata or Senior Kapa Haka, please come in for a hui with Whaea Maryanne or send an email expressing your interest.
If you are interested in Kapa Haka or connecting with our Māori whānau/community to develop Mātauranga Māori within our kura, please come along to our Te Ohu Mātua Whānau Hui each term and also connect with us through our facebook page, Te Ohu Mātua - Roslyn School on Facebook. Ngā mihi mahana.
We have a dedicated Pasifika Academy group who meet every Friday between 12.20 and 1.20pm for students in Year 5-8.
They are supported to explore and practice both contemporary and traditional performances. This year Pā Sione, with the support of some of our Pasifika whānau, will be leading this space each week.
If you, your aiga or Fāmili are interested in volunteering time to support our Pasifika Academy in any way, please either come in to see Whaea Maryanne or catch up with Pā Sione.